Aegean Style Wall Paintings in Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt and relevant findings - The Wall Paintings of Tell el-Dab'a

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Aegean Style Wall Paintings in Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt and relevant findings

J. Becker, J. Jungfleisch and C. von Rüden (eds.)

  • Tracing Technoscapes in the Production of Eastern Mediterranean Wall Paintings. Proceedings of a Workshop Held During the 10th ICAANE, Vienna, 29 April 2016 (in print).

M. Bietak

  • Bronze Age Paintings in the Levant. Chronological and Cultural Considerations, in: M. Bietak and E. Czerny (eds.), The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C., vol. III. Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 - 2nd EuroConference, 28. May – 1. June 2003 (Vienna 2007) 269–300.

A. Brysbaert

  • Rotating Angles in Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age. The Technology of Bronze Age Painted Plaster from the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, in: K. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), Metron. Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 9th International Aegean Conference, Yale University, 18.–21. April 2002 (Leuven 2003) 167–178.

  • Murex Uses in Plaster Features in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 7, 2007, 29–51.

  • The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean. The Case of the Painted Plaster (London 2008).

M. Feldmann

  • Frescoes, Exotica and the Reinvention of the Northern Levantine Kingdoms during the Second Millennium B.C.E., in: M. Heinz and M. Feldmann (eds.), Representations of Political Power. Case Histories from Times of Change and Dissolving Order in the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake 2007) 39–65.

  • Knowing the Foreign. Power, Exotica, and Frescoes in the Middle Bronze Age Levante, in: R. Biggs, J. Myers and M. Roth (eds.), Proceedings of the 51th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 18.–22. July 2005 (Chicago 2008) 281–286.

H. Frankfort

  • The Mural Painitings of el-Amarneh (London 1929).

B. Kemp and F. Weatherhead

  • Palace Decoration at Tell el-Amarna, in: S. Sherratt (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium ‘The Wall Paintings of Thera’, Thera, 30. August – 4. September 1997 (Athens 2000) 491–523.

A. Moortgat

  • Altvorderasiatische Malerei (Berlin 1959).

L. Morgan

  • New Discoveries and New Ideas in Aegean Wall Painting, in: L. Morgan (ed.), Aegean Wall Painting. A Tribute to Mark Cameron, British School at Athens Studies 13 (London 2005) 21–44.

B. Muller

  • Les peintures murales de l’Euphrate à la Méditerranée. Des conceptions communes?, in: P. Gontier (ed.), Orient-occident. Cultures et échanges. Phénomènes d’acculturation en Méditerranée dans l’Antiquité. Sources travaux historiques 36-37, 1995, 49–60.

  • Aspects de la peinture murale proche-orientale au IIe millénaire av. J.-C., Revue archéologique de Picardie N° spécial 10, 1995, 131–140.

W.-D. Niemeier and B. Niemeier

  • Minoan Frescoes in the Eastern Mediterranean, in: E. Cline and D. Harris-Cline (eds.), The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium. Proceedings of the 5th Anniversary Symposium, Cincinnati, 18.–20. April 1997, Aegeaum 18 (Liège 1998) 69–97.

W.-D. Niemeier

  • Minoans and Hyksos. Aegean Frescoes in the Levant, BICS 40, 1995, 258–260.

A. Nunn

  • Die Wandmalereien und der glasierte Wandschmuck im Alten Orient (Leiden 1988).

W. Stevenson Smith

  • Interconnections in the Ancient Near East. A Study of the Relationships between the Arts of Egypt, the Aegean, and Western Asia (London 1965).

C. von Rüden

  • "Minoan" and "Minoanizing" Paintings in the Eastern Mediterranean, in: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (in print).

  • Producing Aegeanness. An Innovation and Its Impact in Middle and Late Bronze Age Syria/Northern Levant, in: S. Burmeister and R. Bernbeck (eds.), The Interplay of People and Technologies. Archaeological Case Studies on Innovation (Berlin 2017) 223–247.

  • Beyond the East-West Dichotomy in Syrian and Levantine Wall Paintings, in: B. Brown and M. Feldman (eds.), Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art (Berlin 2013) 5578.

Waseda University

  • Studies on the Palace of Malqata. Investigations at the Palace of Malqata 1985-1988 (Tokyo 1993).

F. Weatherhead

  • Amarna Palace Paintings (London 2007).

S. Yoshimura

  • Painted Plaster from Kom el-Samak at Malqata-South. Egyptian Culture Center of Waseda University (Tokyo 1995-1999).

Tell Atchana/Alalakh
B. Niemeier and W.-D. Niemeier

  • Aegean Frescoes in Syria-Palastine. Alalakh and Tel Kabri, in: S. Sherratt (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium ‘The Wall Paintings of Thera’, Thera, 30.August – 4. September 1997 (Athens 2000) 763–802.

W.-D. Niemeier

  • Minoan Artisans Travelling Overseas. The Alalakh Frescoes and the Painted Plaster Floor at Tel Kabri (Western Galilee), in: R. Laffineur and L. Basch (eds.), Thalassa. L’Egée préhistorique et la mer. Actes de la troisièm rencontre égéenne internationale de l’Universitè de Liège, Calvi, Corse, 23.–25. April 1990, Aegeum 7 (Leuven 1991) 189–201.

W. Stevenson Smith

  • Interconnections in the Ancient Near East. A Study of the Relationships between the Arts of Egypt, the Aegean, and Western Asia (London 1965) 102–106. fig. 136. 137.

C. von Rüden

  • Reconsidering the Alalakh Frescoes within their Levantine Context, in: A. Yener et al. (eds.), Alalakh 15th Anniversary. Conference held at New Hatay Archaeological Museum, Antakya. Ancient Near Eastern Studies (in print).

L. Woolley

  • A Forgotten Kingdom. Being a Record of the Results Obtained from the Excavation of Two Mounds, Atchana and al Mina, in the Turkish Hatay (London 1953) 76f. 115.

  • Alalakh. An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay 1937-1949. Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London XVIII (Oxford 1955) esp. 228–234.

K. Bittel, R. Naumann, Th. Beran, R. Hachmann and G. Kurth

  • Boğazköy III. Funde aus den Grabungen 19521955, ADOG 2 (Berlin 1957) 17.

J. Jungfleisch

  • Vorbericht zu den Arbeiten an den Wandmalereien aus Büyükkale und der Oberstadt, in: A. Schachner, Die Arbeiten in Boğazköy-Ḫattuša 2012, AA 2013/1, 170–174.

P. Neve

  • Die Oberstadt von Hattuscha. Die Bauwerke I. Das zentrale Tempelviertel (Berlin 1999) 50. pl. 31c.

  • Die Oberstadt von Hattuscha. Die Bauwerke II. Die Bastion des Sphinxtores und die Tempelviertel am Königs- und Löwentor (Mainz 2001) 29. pl. 48c.

C. von Rüden and J. Jungfleisch

  • Incorporating the Other. A Transcultural Perspective on some Wall Painting Fragments from Hattusha, in: A. Schachner (ed.), Innovation versus Beharrung. Was macht den Unterschied des hethitischen Reichs im Anatolien des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr.?, Byzas 23 (Istanbul 2017) 61–84.

Tell Hariri/Mari
A. Moortgat

  • Die Wandgemälde im Palast zu Mari und ihre historische Einordnung, Baghdader Mitteilungen 3, 1964, 68–74.

B. Muller

  • De Mari à l’Egée. La peinture Proche-Orientale au 2e Millénaire av. J.-C., in: A. Villing (ed.), The Greeks in the East (London 2005) 37–45.

A. Parrot

  • Mission archéologique de Mari. Le Palais, vol II. Peintures murales (Paris 1958).

B. Pierre

  • Décor peint à Mari et au Proche-Orient I. La cour 106 du palais de Mari. Les enjeux de la technique, MARI 3, 1984, 223–254.

  • Décor peint à Mari et au Proche-Orient II. Chronologie, context, signifaction, MARI 5, 1987, 551–576.

B. Pierre-Muller

  • Une grande peinture des appartements royaux du palais de Mari (salle 219-220), MARI 6, 1990, 463–558.

Y. Tomabechi

  • Wall-Paintings and related color schemes of the Old Babylonian Mari architecture, Sumer 36, 1980, 139–150.

Tall Mishrife/Qatna
R. du Mesnil du Buisson

  • Le site archéologique de Mishrifé-Qatna (Paris 1935) esp. 143.

  • L'Ancienne Qatna ou les ruines d'El-Mishrifé au N.-E. de Homs (Émèse) deuxième campagne de fouilles (1927) VIII. La butte de l’Église, Syria 9, 1928, 6–24. esp. 13. pl. IV,4.

P. Pfälzner

  • The Qatna Wall Paintings and the Formation of Aegeo-Syrian Art, in: J. Aruz, S. Graff and Y. Rakic (eds.), Cultures in Contact. From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. (New York 2013) 200213.

P. Pfälzner and C. von Rüden

  • Between the Aegean and Syria. The Wall Paintings from the Royal Palace of Qatna, in: D. Bonatz, R. Czichon and F. Kreppner (eds.), Fundstellen. Gesammelte Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasienes ad honorem Hartmut Kühne (Wiesbaden 2008) 95–118.

  • Cat. No. 69. Wall Painting Fragments of Qatna, in: J. Aruz, K. Benzel and J. Evans (eds.), Beyond Babylon. Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium. Catalog of an Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museums of Art, New York (New York, 2008) 126–127.

C. von Rüden

  • Ein Hauch westlicher Luxus im Palast von Qatna, in: Schätze des Alten Syrien. Die Entdeckung des Königreichs Qatna. Ausstellungskatalog des Landesmuseums in Stuttgart (Stuttgart 2009) 176182.

  • Die Wandmalereien von Tall Misrife/Qatna im Kontext interkultureller Kommunikation (Wiesbaden 2011).

  • A Touch of Luxury from the Western Fringe of the Ancient World. The Aegean Impact on the Qatna-Wallpaintings. Proceeding of the International Conference "Qatna and the Network of Bronze Age Globalism", Stuttgart, 16.–19. October 2009, Qatna-Studien 8 (in print).

Tell el-Burak
J. Kamlah and H. Sader

  • Deutsch-libanesische Ausgrabungen auf Tell el-Burak südlich von Sidon. Vorbericht nach Abschluss der siebten Kampagne 2010, ZDPV 126, 2010, 93–115.

H. Sader

  • Palace Architecture in Tell el-Burak - Lebanon. Some Evidence for Egyptian-Mesopotamian-Levantine Interconnections, in: Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the International Symposium 'Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages', Beirut, 2008, BAAL Hors-Série 6, 2009, 177–186.

Tel Kabri
E. Cline, A. Yasur-Landau and N. Goshen

  • New Fragments of Aegean-Style Painted Plaster from Tel Kabri, Israel, AJA 115, 2011, 245–261.

B. Niemeier and W.-D. Niemeier

  • Aegean Frescoes in Syria-Palastine. Alalakh and Tel Kabri, in: S. Sherratt (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium ‘The Wall Paintings of Thera’, Thera, 30. August – 4. September 1997 (Athens 2000) 763–802.

  • The Frescoes in the Middle Bronze Age Palace, in: A. Kempinski, N. Scheftelowitz and R. Oren (eds.), Tel Kabri. The 1986-1993 Excavations (Tel Aviv 2002) 254–285.

W.-D. Niemeier

  • Minoan Artisans Travelling Overseas. The Alalakh Frescoes and the Painted Plaster Floor at Tel Kabri (Western Galilee), in: R. Laffineur and L. Basch (eds.), Thalassa. L’Egée préhistorique et la mer. Actes de la troisièm rencontre égéenne internationale de l’Universitè de Liège, Calvi, Corse, 23.–25. April 1990, Aegeum 7 (Leuven 1991) 189–201.

Tell Sakka
A. Taraqji

  • Nouvelles découvertes sur les relations avec l’Égypte à Tel Sakka et à Keswé, dans le région de Damas, BSFÉ 144, 27–43.

  • Cat. No. 70. Wall Painting Fragments of Tell Sakka, in: J. Aruz, K. Benzel and J. Evans (eds.), Beyond Babylon. Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium. Catalog of an Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museums of Art, New York (New York, 2008) 128f.

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